31 December 2022

Blogging Year in Review: 2022

At 126 articles, I exceeded last year's grand total by 31 articles and my yearly goal by 66 articles. In terms of individual blog output, Applied Phantasticality increased by 24, Theoretical Swashbuckling increased by nine, Creative Reckoning increased by one, Savage Arts & Sciences remained steady, and Decidedly Six-Sided decreased by six. Alas, I failed to create and publish even one RPG zine. Nonetheless, I am etching it once again on the Great Stone of Challenge in addition to my standard goal:

In 2023, I, Gordon A. Cooper, will post a minimum of one article per gaming blog per month for a minimum total of five articles per month. In addition, I might create and publish one or more RPG zines. (No pressure.)

Here is my total gaming blog output for 2022:

  1. Applied Phantasticality: 55 articles
  2. Theoretical Swashbuckling: 25 articles
  3. Savage Arts & Sciences: 19 articles
  4. Creative Reckoning: 14 articles
  5. Decidedly 6-Sided: 13 articles

Grand Total: 126 articles

See you in 2023!

Blogging Month in Review: December 2022

December had almost twice the output of the previous month and I probably could have posted one more article to round it out, but I have decided to save it for January 2023.

  1. Savage Arts & Sciences: 4 articles
  2. Applied Phantasticality: 2 articles
  3. Theoretical Swashbuckling: 1 article
  4. Decidedly Six-Sided: 1 article
  5. Creative Reckoning: 1 article

Grand Total: 9 articles

01 December 2022

Blogging Month in Review: November 2022

As I predicted, November was challenging indeed. I am getting wiser, though, and for that I am thankful. Still, a bit of good luck can go a long way and I am not one to discard an opportunity these days. Somehow, I managed to meet my monthly blogging quota despite the odds, and I'm feeling hopeful about December.

Be seeing you...

  1. Applied Phantasticality: 1 article
  2. Theoretical Swashbuckling: 1 article
  3. Creative Reckoning: 1 article
  4. Decidedly Six-Sided: 1 article
  5. Savage Arts & Sciences: 1 article

Grand Total: 5 articles

03 November 2022

Blogging Month in Review: October 2022

October has passed and I managed to meet the bare minimum of my self-imposed monthly blogging goal. The same circumstances that beset me in September have continued to disrupt my writing and gaming. Blogging in November will be a formidable challenge. For now, though, I give you the results for October...

  1. Savage Arts & Sciences: 1 article
  2. Creative Reckoning: 1 article
  3. Theoretical Swashbuckling: 1 article
  4. Decidedly Six-Sided: 1 article
  5. Applied Phantasticality: 1 article

Grand Total: 5 articles

03 October 2022

Blogging Month in Review: September 2022

September was not the month I hoped it would be blogwise, and it marks both a decrease of momentum and a failure to meet my quota (one article per blog per month). Decidedly Six-Sided stumbled in the race with zero articles for the month (a first for the year), and the others hobbled by with one article each. It is regrettable, but explainable, for September has been a tumultuous month beyond my blogging hobby. I left a job I have held for 17 years to begin a new career, which is distracting enough, but something else occurred of even greater significance. I am still weighing whether to discuss it publicly.

Be seeing you...

  1. Applied Phantasticality: 1 article
  2. Creative Reckoning: 1 article
  3. Savage Arts & Sciences: 1 article
  4. Theoretical Swashbuckling: 1 article
  5. Decidedly Six-Sided: 0 articles

Grand Total: 4 articles

31 August 2022

Blogging Month in Review: August 2022

If the blogs have been quieter in August, it's probably because it is the month of #RPGaDay when I tweet my answers daily and then compile them into a single article on the first day of September in Applied Phantasticality. Other than that, I have no idea what September will bring with regard to my blogging output. We shall see...

  1. Applied Phantasticality: 2 articles
  2. Theoretical Swashbuckling: 2 articles
  3. Creative Reckoning: 1 article
  4. Savage Arts & Sciences: 1 article
  5. Decidedly Six-Sided: 1 article

Grand Total: 7 articles

31 July 2022

Blogging Month in Review: July 2022

July was one article shy of tying June and probably would have exceeded it if I had found time to write the three additional movie reviews I intended to post in Theoretical Swashbuckling. Richard Lester, who directed the three movies to be reviewed, must wait. Meanwhile, I ponder whether to post my answers to RPGaDay 2022 daily or in one giant article at the end of August. No one offered an opinion when I sought them in Applied Phantasticality, so, maybe I'll flip a coin.

  1. Theoretical Swashbuckling: 3 articles
  2. Applied Phantasticality: 3 articles
  3. Creative Reckoning: 1 article
  4. Decidedly Six-Sided: 1 article
  5. Savage Arts & Sciences: 1 article

Grand Total: 9 articles

30 June 2022

Blogging Month in Review: June 2022

My top priority for June was to post two articles in Decidedly Six-Sided (see this poll for details), but alas, those articles have been postponed, and that blog comes in last place in this month's blog rankings. It wasn't a bad month overall, but I hope to do better in July. I predict Theoretical Swashbuckling will remain in first place.

  1. Theoretical Swashbuckling: 3 articles
  2. Savage Arts & Sciences: 2 articles
  3. Creative Reckoning: 2 articles
  4. Applied Phantasticality: 2 articles
  5. Decidedly Six-Sided: 1 article

Grand Total: 10 articles

06 June 2022

Blogging Status Report: Early June 2022

Although I am writing this on the 6th, I met my monthly blogging goal on the 4th, which might be a new record. Well, it is a new record since my gaming blogs increased to five. In fact, four of the articles were all written and posted on the same day (the 4th), whilst the article for Theoretical Swashbuckling was written in late May and posted on the 1st of June. It's a great start. My top priority is to post two articles to Decidedly Six-Sided, which were the result of a poll. After that, I intend to post some new and old movie reviews of a Musketeer nature in Theoretical Swashbuckling. After that, we shall see. Meanwhile, here are the blog rankings in order of this month's postings:

  1. Theoretical Swashbuckling
  2. Savage Arts & Sciences
  3. Creative Reckoning
  4. Applied Phantasticality
  5. Decidedly Six-Sided

Be seeing you...

31 May 2022

Blogging Month in Review: May 2022

Theoretical Swashbuckling is in first place this time with two articles, both of which are movie reviews. May, it turns out, has been a month of recuperating from the frenzied blogging of April, and it may turn out (at least I hope it turns out) to be the lightest month of the year in terms of writing output. I am far from worried about the blogging quota. I am more concerned about my promise to publish at least one RPG zine this year. I'm not even sure how I will circulate it once I do, but the most important thing is to publish it.

  1. Theoretical Swashbuckling: 2 articles
  2. Applied Phantasticality: 1 article
  3. Decidedly Six-Sided: 1 article
  4. Savage Arts & Sciences: 1 article
  5. Creative Reckoning: 1 article

Grand Total: 6 articles

21 May 2022

Blogging Status Report: Late May 2022

It appears my most productive blogging month is to be followed by my least productive blogging month. Feast or famine and all that. Distractions abound. I hope the few readers I have will bear with me.


30 April 2022

Blogging Month in Review: April 2022

My prediction was true: April far surpassed previous months largely due to Random Generator Month at Applied Phantasticality. Meanwhile, Theoretical Swashbuckling secured second place again with articles I had previously posted on my old Cuparius.com site. The difference is that now they include pictures (usually a movie poster) and addenda with additional information (and, occasionally, further thoughts). May the next month bring me the inspiration to raise my productivity for my other three gaming blogs.

  1. Applied Phantasticality: 28 articles
  2. Theoretical Swashbuckling: 5 articles
  3. Savage Arts & Sciences: 2 articles
  4. Creative Reckoning: 1 article
  5. Decidedly Six-Sided: 1 article

Grand Total: 37 articles

31 March 2022

Blogging Month in Review: March 2022

March 2022 exceeded my expectations for all of my gaming blogs. I predict April will surpass it, though, because it's Random Generator Month at Applied Phantasticality, a tradition I started in 2020. (Come to think of it, I ought to consider tagging relevant posts as "Random Generator Month.")

  1. Applied Phantasticality: 6 articles
  2. Theoretical Swashbuckling: 3 articles
  3. Savage Arts & Sciences: 2 articles
  4. Decidedly Six-Sided: 2 articles
  5. Creative Reckoning: 2 articles

Grand Total: 15 articles

06 March 2022

Blogging Status Report: Early March 2022

It's the 6th of March and I've already met this month's goal for all of my gaming blogs. I'm so far ahead of schedule I just might fit in some time to work on the game I've been designing and write another Ghostbusters RPG adventure for my gaming group and start writing and illustrating some zines I want to publish. Meanwhile, I'll keep blogging for my several readers and an unknown number of bots. (I would be happier if they were actual science fiction robots.)

Be seeing you...

28 February 2022

Blogging Month in Review: February 2022

February 2022 was not as productive as the previous month, but I met my minimum goal for three of my blogs and exceeded it for two of them. And I may have thought of a theme for this year's April Fool's random tables (or a theme-within-a-theme, if you will).

A note regarding the tally: Starting now, blogs that are tied will be listed in order of earliest posting to latest.

  1. Applied Phantasticality: 3 articles
  2. Decidedly Six-Sided: 2 articles
  3. Creative Reckoning: 1 article
  4. Savage Arts & Sciences: 1 article
  5. Theoretical Swashbuckling: 1 article

Grand Total: 8 articles

31 January 2022

Blogging Month in Review: January 2022

This is the first of a monthly tally of the articles of each of my blogs. I intend to use it as a motivator to reach and exceed my blogging goals, but there may be other unforeseen uses for it.

January 2022 was a surprisingly productive month. By this time last month I had posted only one article per blog, which accomplished my goal of posting at least one article per blog per month, but this month was strong as the numbers below will attest. (Admittedly, they're not as strong as when I started Applied Phantasticality, but I was a blogging madman back then.) Here's hoping I can maintain the momentum in February.

So, here are the statistics for January 2022...

  1. Applied Phantasticality: 5 articles
  2. Savage Arts & Sciences: 2 articles
  3. Theoretical Swashbuckling: 2 articles
  4. Decidedly 6-Sided: 1 article
  5. Creative Reckoning: 1 article

Grand Total: 11 articles