05 October 2023

Blogging Month in Review: September 2023

September's tally was certainly a far cry from August's. Time is scarcer owing to the exigencies of survival at these space time coordinates, and my blogging has consequently lapsed. This is the lowest blog output of 2023, and I delayed posting the Blogging Month in Review because I've been working long hours and have had no energy to spare until now.

Technically speaking, I've reached my yearly goal for all of my gaming blogs except Creative Reckoning (which is one article away from the magic number of 12) and Omnia Pro Omnibus (which I didn't start until April, but it's keeping the monthly pace). I am disappointed, but not deterred. October is another month... in progress... because I'm posting this Blogging Month in Review late.

Better late than never?

  1. Applied Phantasticality: 2 articles
  2. Creative Reckoning: 1 article
  3. Theoretical Swashbuckling: 1 article
  4. Omnia Pro Omnibus: 1 article
  5. Decidedly Six-Sided: 0 articles
  6. Savage Arts & Sciences: 0 articles

Grand Total: 5 articles