03 November 2023

Blogging Month in Review: October 2023

And October's tally is even more disappointing than September's. The one article I posted for Savage Arts & Sciences is little more than a link to someone else's article. Maybe I'll do better before the end of the year, but it will be a challenge. I would like to increase my blogging output, and I would love to resume gaming (of the role-playing variety in particular), but I cannot accurately predict when either will be possible. Meanwhile, if anyone has any leads on writing, editing, or proofreading jobs that involve remuneration, please keep me in mind.


  1. Savage Arts & Sciences: 1 article
  2. Applied Phantasticality: 0 articles
  3. Creative Reckoning: 0 articles
  4. Theoretical Swashbuckling: 0 articles
  5. Omnia Pro Omnibus: 0 articles
  6. Decidedly Six-Sided: 0 articles

Grand Total: 1 article