In the year 2023, I faced many challenges to my blogging goals (some of which I brought on myself, such as adding another blog to the roster), but I nevertheless exceeded last year's grand total by 26 articles for a grander total of 152 articles. Compared to the previous year, Applied Phantasticality increased by 27, Theoretical Swashbuckling decreased by six, Decidedly Six-Sided increased by three, Savage Arts & Sciences decreased by five, Creative Reckoning decreased by two, and Omnia Pro Omnibus began its first year with nine. I produced no RPG zines for the third year in a row despite my misguided intentions, and so I add another graffito to the Great Stone of Challenge:
In 2024, I, Gordon A. Cooper, will post a minimum of one article per gaming blog per month for a minimum total of six articles per month. In addition, it is not beyond the realm of possibility I might create and publish one or more RPG zines. (Maybe?)
And now... My total gaming blog output for 2023:
- Applied Phantasticality: 82 articles
- Theoretical Swashbuckling: 19 articles
- Decidedly 6-Sided: 16 articles
- Savage Arts & Sciences: 14 articles
- Creative Reckoning: 12 articles
- Omnia Pro Omnibus: 9 articles
Grand Total: 152 articles
See you in 2024!