30 April 2022

Blogging Month in Review: April 2022

My prediction was true: April far surpassed previous months largely due to Random Generator Month at Applied Phantasticality. Meanwhile, Theoretical Swashbuckling secured second place again with articles I had previously posted on my old Cuparius.com site. The difference is that now they include pictures (usually a movie poster) and addenda with additional information (and, occasionally, further thoughts). May the next month bring me the inspiration to raise my productivity for my other three gaming blogs.

  1. Applied Phantasticality: 28 articles
  2. Theoretical Swashbuckling: 5 articles
  3. Savage Arts & Sciences: 2 articles
  4. Creative Reckoning: 1 article
  5. Decidedly Six-Sided: 1 article

Grand Total: 37 articles