24 March 2025

Blogging Month in Review: February 2025

Lo and behold! I just realized I forgot to post the blogging tally for February. Here it is. I shall post the tally for March in a few days.


  1. Applied Phantasticality: 1 article
  2. Decidedly Six-Sided: 1 article
  3. Creative Reckoning: 1 article
  4. Savage Arts & Sciences: 1 article
  5. Omnia Pro Omnibus: 1 article
  6. Theoretical Swashbuckling: 1 article

Grand Total: 6 articles

06 February 2025

Blogging Month in Review: January 2025

As I predicted, my capacity to blog is greatly diminished by concerns that outweigh my devotion to this beloved hobby. I shall strive to recapture the joy and sense of refuge it has always provided me in the past, and that might involve a more classic approach (doing more in-person gaming, going to conventions, and perhaps even moving toward a more traditional method of fan publication and distribution—the zine) in combination with a newer (or less classic) approach such as making YouTube videos. What this will mean to my fleet of blogs depends on the course of events that are beyond my control. Those who push generative a.i. are at war with everyone who writes, performs, or creates art. As long as our work is not protected and we are not compensated, I am reluctant to share it with anyone I do not personally know and trust. We are heading into a dismal age that may outlast us all. I hope we can change course.

Peace and Enlightenment.

  1. Theoretical Swashbuckling: 1 article
  2. Savage Arts & Sciences: 1 article
  3. Decidedly Six-Sided: 0 articles
  4. Creative Reckoning: 0 articles
  5. Applied Phantasticality: 0 articles
  6. Omnia Pro Omnibus: 0 articles

Grand Total: 2 articles

02 January 2025

Blogging Year in Review: 2024

Most of 2024 was very strong bloggingwise, but the fickle finger of Fate had other ideas and my blogging promptly fell off a cliff—or, rather, was pushed off a cliff by larger events. I will not go into details here at this time. Despite the forces arrayed against my good mood, this year's blogging exceeded last year's grand total by four articles for a somewhat grander total of 156 articles. Applied Phantasticality decreased by 19, Savage Arts & Sciences increased by 22, Creative Reckoning increased by 5, Decidedly Six-Sided decreased by one, Theoretical Swashbuckling decreased by four, and Omnia Pro Omnibus increased by one. There were no RPG zines.

This year, the Year of Our Folly 2025, I will not reinstate my annual blogging goal. I will be lucky if I can find the opportunities to play or write about role-playing games at all. When I can do either, I will simply be thankful. My hobbies have saved my life and sanity in the past. I may be calling upon them to do the same in our fractured future. I might continue with the monthly tallies, but it is too soon to tell. To my readers, thank you for reading, and I hope we will continue this adventure together.

Here is the total blogging tally for 2024:

  1. Applied Phantasticality: 63 articles
  2. Savage Arts & Sciences: 36 articles
  3. Creative Reckoning: 17 articles
  4. Decidedly 6-Sided: 15 articles
  5. Theoretical Swashbuckling: 15 articles
  6. Omnia Pro Omnibus: 10 articles

Grand Total: 156 articles

Be seeing you...

Blogging Month in Review: December 2024

Circumstances were even less conducive to blogging and gaming in December, and I posted only one article. November and December are traditionally the most difficult months for me to find any time to pursue my interests, and this year they were especially challenging. Since 2023, January and February have become equally hard, and I foresee a paucity of articles this year. I hope I am wrong.

  1. Savage Arts & Sciences: 1 article
  2. Decidedly Six-Sided: 0 articles
  3. Applied Phantasticality: 0 articles
  4. Omnia Pro Omnibus: 0 articles
  5. Theoretical Swashbuckling: 0 articles
  6. Creative Reckoning: 0 articles

Grand Total: 1 article

01 December 2024

Blogging Month in Review: November 2024

Circumstances have not been conducive to writing or gaming, and my blogs are on hiatus. I look forward to returning to both as soon as possible. Take care.

  1. Decidedly Six-Sided: 0 articles
  2. Applied Phantasticality: 0 articles
  3. Omnia Pro Omnibus: 0 articles
  4. Savage Arts & Sciences: 0 articles
  5. Theoretical Swashbuckling: 0 articles
  6. Creative Reckoning: 0 articles

Grand Total: 0 articles

31 October 2024

Blogging Month in Review: October 2024

My ambitions to meet my monthly blogging quota in the last two days of October have been thwarted due to an unexpected disruption of Internet service, and I am forced to post the unsatisfying results via the free Internet access provided by my public library. Regular Internet service should resume on the 2nd of November, and there will be much rejoicing.

Be seeing you...

  1. Decidedly Six-Sided: 1 article
  2. Applied Phantasticality: 0 articles
  3. Omnia Pro Omnibus: 0 articles
  4. Savage Arts & Sciences: 0 articles
  5. Theoretical Swashbuckling: 0 articles
  6. Creative Reckoning: 0 articles

Grand Total: 1 article

30 October 2024

Blogging Status Report: Very Late October 2024

Needless to say, I have been wandering through a blogging desert this month. My attention has been unwillingly diverted by a myriad concerns, and I have been deprived of the joy that playing, thinking about, and writing about games normally give me. I wish I could retire and focus on family, friends, hobbies, and personal projects. I still feel like a refugee from another world and time, struggling to understand how to interact with society at this temporal nexus point. Be that as it may, I will attempt to write and post six articles within the next two days. I can't vouch for their quality (as I haven't even written them yet), and I can't guarantee I'll meet my quota, but I shall try. I offer my apologies in advance.
